My Guard Apps

Home Security Motion Detection 2.51
My Guard
"The best way to turn your Android phoneorTablet into a mobile video surveillance &monitoringsystem"----------------------------Connected to your Google Account use your private cloud storageforcross device sync and stay on top of your house andloveones.With Emails, SMSs, Google account, alarms & flashcapabilitieskeep your home and your self safe during thenight.------------------------------While alone, asleep, out or just with suspicion use your devicetotake photos and send them to you per motion detection, and useitto help monitor your close personal space.------------------------------Don't trust your babysitter and need a nanny cam or ababymonitor?Want to keep tabs on your house while on vacation, pet monitororspy cam?Use the silent mode to get photos straight to you when ever amotionis detected just like a wireless camera \ ip camera \ ipcamMy Guard activated as a motion detector, but it not areplacementto a professional alarm system.It just for entertainment use, any use is on theuserresponsibility.Main features that you can choose to activated while detectinganintruder:• Sound an alert or stay in stealth mode• Send the photos by Email• Get notified by SMS• Flash towards the breachHow?1. Aim your phone camera at the possible breach. E.g. door,window,hallway etc.2. Push start guarding.3. Recommendations: Go to setting and fill out email &phonenumber for SMS. (Optional features)Few scenarios:1. You have reached home after a long day, and want to takeabath. Just leave your phone on the table towards the mainwindow,My Guard will alarm if a burglar or theft appear, and alertyourfriend by SMS or email.2. You want to go to the kitchen and grab something to eatbutyour cat always jumps on the table and from there to the TV.Don’tleave the cat alone, activate My Guard, point it to the tableandsee what happens.3. While you are camping in the wild nature, to avoidanunpleasant situation with an animal (like bear or a snake).whenyou go to sleep in your tent, activate My Guard and pointittowards the entry.Please note:Any information that you provide to My Guard is subject toGoogle'sPrivacy Policy, which governs the collection and use ofyourinformation. You are responsible for others privacy as youcapturethem with the app and store the photos to your Googledriveaccount.You understand that through your use of the Services you consenttothe collection and use (as set forth in the Privacy Policy) ofthisinformation, including the transfer of this information totheUnited States and/or other countries for storage, processinganduse.